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Myths and milestones: the Europeanization of the legislative agenda
Breeman, G. and A. Timmermans (2012) Myths and milestones: the Europeanization of the legislative agenda in the Netherlands. In: Brouard, S., König, T., Olivier (Eds.). (Studies in Public Choice): The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures. The Empirical Implications of the ... Read more


Morality Issues in the Netherlands: Coalition Politics under Pressure
Timmermans, A and G. Breeman (2012) Morality Issues in the Netherlands: Coalition Politics under Pressure, In: I. Engeli, Chr.Green-Pedersen and L. Thorup Larsen (eds) Morality Politics in Western Europe: Parties, Agendas and Policy Choices,  (pp 35-61). Basingstoke: Palgrave. Read more


The Policy Agenda in Multiparty Government
Timmermans, A and G. Breeman (2014) The Policy Agenda in Multiparty Government: Coalition Agreements and Legislative Activity in the Netherlands. In: C. Green-Pedersen and S. Walgrave (eds.) Agenda Setting, Policies and Political Systems: A Comparative Approach, pp. 86-104, ... Read more


Political Attention in a Coalition System
Breeman, G., D. Lowery, C. Poppelaars, S. Resodihardjo, A. Timmermans, and J. de Vries (2009). Political Attention in a Coalition System: Analysing Queen's Speches in the Netherlands 1945-2007, Acta Politica 44(1), 1–27. Read more


Effects of core functions of government on diversity of executive agendas
Jennings, W., S. Bevan, A. Timmermans, G. Breeman, S. Brouard, L. Chaques-Bonafont, C. Green-Pedersen, P. John, P. Mortensen, and A. Palau (2011) Effects of the core functions of government on the diversity of executive agendas, Comparative Political Studies 44(8): 1001-1030. Read more


Analysing Local Policy Agendas
Breeman, G, P. Scholten, and A. Timmermans (2014) Analysing Local Policy Agendas: How Dutch Municipal Executive Coalition Allocate Attention, Local Governement Studies, June 20, online first. Read more



Arco Timmermans
Title: Director
Institution(s): Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs

Prof.dr. Arco Timmermans is Professor of Public Affairs at the Institute of Public Administration at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. He studied Political Science at Leiden University and did his PhD in the Social and Political Sciences at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). Positions he held were at the Delft University of Technology, the University of Twente, and Leiden University, where he also was research director of the Montesquieu Institute until 2014. His teaching for the Institute of Public Administration is about public policy in the Netherlands and the EU, and interest representation and public affairs. Arco Timmermans' research is on the dynamics of the public and political agenda. He analyzes how interest groups play the game of politics, form coalitions, and how they find access to venues for influence. This teaching and research work also is oriented to promoting the dialogue between research and practice.

Gerard Breeman
Title: Co-Director
Institution(s): Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs

Gerard Breeman studied Public Administration at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam. In 2006 he obtained his PhD from Leiden University on the topic of trust and public policy making. Between 2006 and 2015 he was assistant professor at the Public Administration and Policy Group at Wageningen University. Since February 2015 Gerard Breeman has been working  at the Institute of Public Administration at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. He teaches policy making and research design. He is co-director of the comparative policy agenda setting team in the Netherlands and co-chair of the ECPR research network on food policy and governance. His main areas of expertise are comparative public policies, trust, policy agenda setting, trust, food governance and European Union policies.

Explore Policy Trends

The Netherlands Agendas Project studies the policy outputs of the national government.  

Principal Investigator: Arco Timmermans and Gerard Breeman
Location: Leiden University, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Downloadable Data Series: 5
Time Span: 1945-2024
Total Observations: 26,550

Sponsoring Institutions

Part of the project was financed by the PBL National Environmental Assessment Agency (former MNP) and the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations.


Featured Research:
Myths and milestones: the Europeanization of the legislative agenda

Breeman, G. and A. Timmermans (2012) Myths and milestones: the Europeanization of the legislative agenda in the Netherlands. In: Brouard, S., König, T., Olivier (Eds.). (Studies in Public Choice): The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures. The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries. New York: Springer. Read more

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